Jennifer Krebs uses this site to share her professional and personal interests:
Bookworm Musings
Lost and Wanted
Lost and Wanted, by Nell Freudenberger This book knocked my socks off. I read Freudenberger's first book, a collection of short stories when it first came out. While I'm sure portions of her book reflect actual people she knows or situations that she's been in, she...
The Invisible Bridge
The Invisible Bridge Julie Orringer. This tome reminded me a bit of Gone with the Wind: a love story set with the backdrop of a war, in this case WWII. A good pat of schmaltz. Most of the main characters make it through the war although statistically (according to...
Not in the Club
The Club, by Takis Würger. This is a quick story about a poor orphaned German young man with an aunt in Cambridge. She uses him to infiltrate a secret Cambridge club to seek revenge against the Patriarchy, the upper crust, the Old Boys Club. Not the best book of 2019,...